As far as we concern, H1N1 is spreading so fast in Malaysia. This virus has lead to some death and closed of school, IPT and another institution. So, our, Malaysians should not take these case for granted since it's getting serious as days pass by. But, do not panic, stay calm and follow what have been told to. Remember that in anything we do, cleanliness is the priority since we still do not sure how this H1N1 'work'- how exactly it spread, through what medium and the cure. Always remember to wash our hand with anti bacterial soap if can. If possible, do follow the 7 steps of washing hand (if I'm not mistaken) that has been told by Ministry of Health. Then, do not touch mouth, hand and face with unclean hand. Drink a lot of water and wear a clean cloth. If we need to cough, cover our mouth with tissue or handkerchief so that the bacteria is safe there without spreading to the surrounding.
Now that UPSI is holiday, if possible, avoid to be in be i crowded place and if we had a high fever follow by sore pain, headache, bad cough or sudden vomit, do not hesitate to seek a medical consultant from the doctor. The most important thing is to pray to our almighty for our safety and healthy. Take care and have a pleasent holiday.
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